Attempted illustration of survivors of human trafficking

9 Best Charities That Support Survivors of Human Trafficking (Complete 2024 List)

Survivors of human trafficking continue to suffer way after the exploitation ends. Statistics show that anxiety and depression continue to afflict up to 88% of victims, and 77% present with post-traumatic stress disorder. Knowing the severity of the damage, charities worldwide are working with survivors to help them achieve full health and peace of mind. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that support survivors of human trafficking?

Illustration of the Haiti country map in the colors of its flag

9 Best Charities Impacting Haiti (Complete 2024 List)

Haiti has a population of 11.5 million people and 52.3% live at or below the poverty line ($3.20 USD). This makes it the poorest country in Latin America and the Caribbean region. Haiti continues to struggle with corruption, high unemployment rates, poor infrastructure, and inaccessible and ineffective education. Many charities are now working to provide more than just temporary aid, they are seeking to solve Haiti’s poverty at the root causes. So we had to ask: What are the best charities impacting Haiti?

Attempted illustration of a group of people with disabilities

9 Best Charities That Support People with Disabilities (Complete 2024 List)

Worldwide, over 1 billion people live with some sort of disability, a number that is perpetually growing due to a rise in chronic health conditions and population aging. Many people living with a disability require outside support to complete everyday activities, which can often be difficult to obtain. Luckily, numerous charities are helping these vulnerable people find the support they need. So, we had to ask: What are the best charities to support people with disabilities?

Attempted illustration of child sponsorship

9 Best Charities for Sponsoring a Child in Need (Complete 2024 List)

More than 700 million people live in extreme poverty, over half of whom are children. Furthermore, the number of impoverished children is rising: approximately 100 million more children were plunged into poverty as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, organizations around the world are working to help children living in poverty through sponsorship. So, we had to ask: what are the best charities for sponsoring a child in need?

Attempted illustration of a sustainable world

9 Best Charities That Promote Sustainability (Complete 2024 List)

The increase in biodiversity loss and greenhouse gas emissions pose a significant danger to sustainability globally. There is an urgent need for sustainable development efforts in the country and worldwide. Charities are working hard to protect the environment and promote the preservation of natural resources. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that promote sustainability?

Attempted illustration of a widow and a widower

11 Best Charities That Support Widows and Widowers (Complete 2024 List)

There are approximately 258 million widows and widowers worldwide, with nearly one in ten living in poverty. Modern conflicts, medical crises, and social changes continue to increase widowhood, which, in turn, raises the chances of loneliness, depression, or even early death. Fortunately, charities worldwide are working to alleviate suffering in times of grief and loss. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that support widows and widowers?

Illustration of the red HIV/AIDS ribbon in front of the world globe

9 Best Charities for HIV/AIDS Research & Relief (Complete 2024 List)

There are approximately 38.4 million people with HIV and AIDS worldwide. This virus impacts the immune system by killing the cells needed to fight off disease and it can be fatal if not treated. Those who have HIV and AIDS also often face stigma and a lack of access to medical resources. Fortunately, charities around the world are committed to supporting those with HIV and/or AIDS. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for HIV/AIDS research & relief?

Illustration of brain aneurysm

9 Best Charities That Help Combat Brain Aneurysms (Complete 2024 List)

A brain aneurysm is a weak spot on an artery in the brain that bulges out and fills with blood. If they rupture, they can cause a stroke, brain damage, or even death. Approximately 30,000 Americans suffer a brain aneurysm rupture per year and between 3 and 5 percent of Americans have an unruptured aneurysm. Fortunately, many charities are working to raise awareness of brain aneurysms and fund research to improve the quality of life for patients. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that help combat brain aneurysms?

Attempted illustration of child poverty

9 Best Charities That Combat Child Poverty (Complete 2024 List)

More than 700 million people live in extreme poverty, over half of whom are children. Furthermore, the number of impoverished children is rising: approximately 100 million more children were plunged into poverty as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, organizations around the world are working to help children living in poverty and break the cycle for future generations. So, we had to ask: what are the best charities combating child poverty?

Attempted illustration of sex trafficking

9 Best Charities That Fight to End Sex Trafficking (Complete 2024 List)

Sexual exploitation makes up 80% of all human trafficking cases, and around 92% of its victims enter the industry through coercion and manipulation. Consequently, many charities are now fighting to capture the traffickers and end the vicious cycle of struggle and risk that exposes vulnerable communities to abuse. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that fight to end sex trafficking?

Attempted illustration of child trafficking

9 Best Charities That Fight to End Child Trafficking (Complete 2024 List)

Around 25% of all human trafficking victims worldwide are children and over 50% of the human trafficking cases in the US involve youth sold for sex. In a highly prolific industry, surpassed only by drug dealing, the number of children trafficked every year is increasing at an alarming rate. Fortunately, charities worldwide are determined to put a stop to this crime and empower its victims. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that fight to end child trafficking?

Attempted illustration of the AAPI community

9 Best Charities for the AAPI Community (Complete 2024 List)

The Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) community has recently been subjected to violent racist attacks. For example, in 2021, there was a 339% increase in racist attacks and hate crimes against Asian Americans in the US. Consequently, many charities have been established to advance the rights of members of the AAPI community. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for the AAPI Community?

Attempted illustration of human trafficking victims

9 Best Charities That Fight to End Human Trafficking (Complete 2024 List)

Human trafficking, or modern-day slavery, is one of the most widespread crimes in the world, counting 40,3 million victims and an illegal industry worth $150 billion in profit. Fortunately, many charities worldwide are fighting to prevent and stop the exploitations while rescuing and alleviating the victims. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that fight to end human trafficking?

Attempted illustration of healthy looking children

9 Best Charities for Children’s Health (Complete 2024 List)

Health in early childhood can have lifelong implications. Children’s healthcare begins before they are born, with maternal health laying the foundation for early development. Yet, many children face barriers to adequate healthcare such as poverty, disease, and improper nutrition. Organizations around the world are working to help children overcome these barriers and access quality healthcare. So, we had to ask: what are the best charities for children’s health?

Attempted illustration of land conservation

9 Best Charities for Land Conservation (Complete 2024 List)

Every second of every day, one football field of land is cleared to make way for agricultural, commercial, or industrial development. This destruction threatens the planet’s dwindling biodiversity and fuels climate change. Thankfully, charities worldwide are working relentlessly to combat these catastrophic losses. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for land conservation?

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