Attempted illustration of digital & tech literacy

9 Best Charities That Enable Digital & Tech Literacy (Complete 2024 List)

Today, technology is an essential part of life and involves skills that improve a person’s overall well-being. But for people who don’t understand these new tools, technology can become a barrier, creating disadvantage and hardship. Approximately 16% of Americans are digitally illiterate, and 3,7 billion people worldwide lack any digital access or skills. Fortunately, charities around the world are fighting to equip people with the confidence, access, and skills to benefit from the digital world. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that enable digital & tech literacy?

Attempted illustration of protecting a woman

9 Best Charities That Fight for Women’s Safety (Complete 2024 List)

1 in every 3 women around the globe will experience physical or sexual violence during their lifetime. This equates to roughly 736 million women. Factors such as culture, tradition, hindered access to education, and the social stigma that surrounds domestic violence, are just a few of the barriers women experience. Fortunately, many charities are taking on this battle and finding ways to support women’s health and protection. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that fight for women’s safety?

Illustration of the recycling sign

9 Best Charities That Promote Recycling (Complete 2024 List)

Recycling is the process of gathering and converting resources into new goods that would otherwise be thrown away as waste. Both the environment and the community can benefit from recycling. It has the potential to change the world by conserving resources, reducing landfills, saving energy, and protecting the environment. Because of this, numerous non-profit organizations have stepped up to support recycling on a global scale. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that promote recycling?

Illustration of a police officer

9 Best Charities That Support Police Officers (Complete 2024 List)

Police officers risk their lives every day to protect their communities, and unfortunately the number of officers killed in the line of duty increased by 29% in 2021 in the US alone. The main cause of death is felonious killings which are now at their highest level for 25 years. The officers themselves are not the only ones making sacrifices; their families face duty-related hardships as well. Fortunately, organizations around the world are working to provide assistance to police officers and their families. So, we had to ask: What are the best charities that support police officers?

Attempted illustration of promoting literacy

9 Best Charities That Promote Literacy (Complete 2024 List)

Literacy is the framework through which we communicate, connect and expand our shared existence. Yet around 750 million people worldwide are unable to join the conversation because they cannot read or write. Moreover, 1 in 5 adults in the US struggle to read basic sentences, and 124 million children worldwide lack simple literacy skills. Fortunately, charities are fighting to improve literacy development in vulnerable communities to help them increase their opportunities and quality of life. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that promote literacy?

Attempted illustrations of flood victims

9 Best Charities That Help Flood Victims (Complete 2024 List)

Floods are the most prevalent natural disaster worldwide. They cause widespread devastation in entire communities, resulting in loss of life and damage to personal property and essential public infrastructure. Fortunately, charitable organizations are working tirelessly to assist those affected by floods worldwide, by providing support to help them rebuild their lives. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that help flood victims?

Illustration of a globe with a face mask as a symbol for COVID-19

9 Best Charities for COVID-19 Research & Relief (Complete 2024 List)

Since its emergence in 2019, COVID-19 has impacted every country in the world. Worldwide, the case count has topped 620 million, and the death toll stands at nearly 7 million. The pandemic fractured hospital systems and communities, greatly impacting their ability to care for those affected and spawning a dire need for vaccines and treatments. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for COVID-19 research & relief?

Illustration of a sea turtle

10 Best Charities for Protecting Sea Turtles (Complete 2024 List)

Sea turtles have been around for 110 million years. Yet, all of the 7 sea turtle species alive today are threatened with extinction. Sea turtles face a number of threats including poaching, habitat destruction, climate change, and harmful commercial fishing practices. Furthermore, the survival rate of sea turtle hatchlings today is just 1 in 1,000. Thankfully, many charities have recognized the need for drastic change and are working to protect these prehistoric creatures. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for protecting sea turtles?

Attempted illustration of a person with biopolar disorder

9 Best Charities That Help Combat Bipolar Disorder (Complete 2024 List)

Bipolar disorder causes radical shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to carry out everyday tasks as they oscillate between extreme emotional highs and lows. The condition affects nearly 46 million people worldwide and can have dire consequences if left untreated: around 16% of those diagnosed commit suicide and 60% develop substance abuse disorders. Fortunately, organizations around the world are working to raise awareness, provide support, and increase access to treatment for people living with bipolar disorder. So, we had to ask: what are the best charities that help combat bipolar disorder?

Illustration of a healthy-looking food bowl

9 Best Charities That Advance Healthy Nutrition (Complete 2024 List)

Worldwide, around 1 billion people go hungry, while 2 billion suffer from obesity and other health issues related to unhealthy eating. In addition, 45 million children suffer from severe malnutrition every year, with a child dying from acute malnutrition every 10 seconds. Yet the efforts to improve nutrition and nutrition education are chronically underfunded, receiving less than 1% of governmental budgets in many areas of the world. Fortunately, charities worldwide are stepping in to fight malnutrition by providing healthy meals and changing current food systems. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that advance healthy nutrition?

Attempted illustration of the deaf and hard-of-hearing

9 Best Charities That Support the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (Complete 2024 List)

Around 430 million people worldwide live with disabling hearing loss, a number that is expected to increase to 700 million by 2050. Unaddressed hearing loss has been linked to impaired communication, speech, and cognition. Furthermore, deaf and hard-of-hearing people often face discrimination, leading to poor employment, education, and social outcomes. Fortunately, organizations around the world are working to improve the lives of deaf and hard-of-hearing people. So, we had to ask: what are the best charities that support the deaf and hard-of-hearing?

9 Best Charities for Children’s Education (Complete 2024 List)

There has been significant improvement in providing children with access to quality education worldwide over the years. However, 58.4 million children of primary school age are still out of school because of financial and security reasons. As a result, charities are working endlessly to provide more children with access to education. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for children’s education?

Illustration of a disabled veteran

9 Best Charities That Support Disabled Veterans (Complete 2024 List)

One out of ten veterans alive today were wounded while serving and countless others are disabled after leaving the military. Many veterans also suffer from invisible disabilities such as PTSD or traumatic brain injury (TBI). For these disabled veterans, returning to normal life can be challenging. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that support disabled veterans?

Attempted illustration of global democracy

9 Best Charities That Promote Democracy Globally (Complete 2024 List)

Simply put, Democracy is “rule by the people.” It’s a form of government in which the people have the power to decide what the law is or to elect those who will do so. Democracy protects fundamental rights and freedoms that should be enjoyed by every citizen of the world. However, many nations that run a democracy still stifle free speech and other rights. Fortunately, many charitable organizations have stood up to promote democracy globally. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that promote democracy globally?

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