Illustration of how green solar energy is

How Green Is Solar Energy? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Green energy is a subset of renewable energy that provides the highest environmental benefits in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and protecting our environment. Solar energy is often referred to as green energy, so we had to ask: How green is solar energy?

Illustration of how clean solar energy is

How Clean Is Solar Energy? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Clean energy is the generation of energy from sources that produce virtually no carbon dioxide (CO2) or greenhouse gas emissions. Solar energy is one of our fastest-growing renewable energy technologies that is often described as being a clean source of energy. So, we had to ask: How clean is solar energy? 

Illustration of how environmentally friendly solar energy is

How Environmentally Friendly Is Solar Energy? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Growing concerns over the climate crisis have prompted many to seek out environmentally friendly ways of living. Solar energy is one of our fastest-growing, environmentally friendly resources that can combat climate change and maintain a sustainable planet for future generations. So, we had to ask: How environmentally friendly is solar energy?

Illustration of how renewable solar energy is

How Renewable Is Solar Energy? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Experts predict the growth of renewable energy capacity will account for nearly 95% of the increase in global power capacity through the year 2026. Solar energy is one of our most utilized renewable technologies, so we had to ask: How renewable is solar energy? 

Illustration of how sustainable solar energy is

How Sustainable Is Solar Energy? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Enough sunlight strikes the surface of the earth in an hour and a half to account for the world’s energy consumption in a year. Given its large energy generation potential, solar energy is often viewed as one of our most sustainable resources. So we had to ask: How sustainable is solar energy? 

Illustration of how effective solar energy is

How Effective & Efficient Is Solar Energy? Here Are the Facts

Solar energy is one of our most in-demand and fastest-growing renewable energy technologies. It could play a major role in our transition away from fossil fuels because it has low levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and minimal environmental impact. So, we had to ask: how effective and efficient is solar energy?

Illustration of the pros and cons of solar energy

Solar Energy: All 6 Pros and 4 Cons Explained

Solar energy is one of our fastest-growing and most popular renewable energy technologies with a low carbon emissions profile. It can play an important role in the global energy transformation and help transition away from fossil fuels, but it can come with drawbacks as with any other energy source. So, we had to ask: What are thfe pros and cons of solar energy?

Illustration of the safety of solar energy

How Safe Is Solar Energy? A Holistic Life-Cycle Analysis

Solar energy is a renewable and sustainable energy source that is important in reducing global GHG emissions and mitigating climate change. Over the years, it has come to make up an ever-growing part of our energy mix. So, we had to ask, How safe is solar energy really?

Illustration of a carbon free environment under a magnifying glass

Carbon Free Explained: All You Need to Know

You’ve probably heard the terms “net zero” and “carbon neutral” in climate change discussions, but a lesser-known term gaining traction is carbon free, or the generation of electricity that emits little to no carbon. Reducing carbon emissions is key to creating a sustainable planet for future generations. So, we had to ask: What is carbon free really, and how could it help us mitigate climate change?

Illustration of decarbonization under a magnifying glass

Decarbonization Explained: All You Need to Know

Decarbonization is a vital part of ensuring a sustainable planet for future generations because it targets carbon dioxide (CO2), our most prevalent greenhouse gas (GHG). So, we had to ask: What is decarbonization really, and how could it help us mitigate climate change?

Illustration of a carbon negative environment under a magnifying glass

Carbon Negativity Explained: All You Need to Know

Carbon negativity refers to removing more carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere than we emit. Going carbon negative can slow and even begin to reverse some of the effects of climate change. So, we had to ask: What is carbon negativity really, and how could achieving it help us mitigate climate change?

Illustration of a climate positive environment under a magnifying glass

Climate Positivity Explained: All You Need to Know

Climate positivity refers to removing more CO2 than we emit. It goes above and beyond simply reducing emissions to produce additional environmental benefits. So, we had to ask: What is climate positivity really, and how could achieving it help us mitigate climate change?

Illustration of a carbon neutral environment under a magnifying glass

Carbon Neutrality Explained: All You Need to Know

Carbon neutrality is one of the biggest buzzwords in climate change discussions because it targets carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary greenhouse gas (GHG) emitted through human activities. Going carbon neutral can be an important first step in reducing your overall carbon footprint. So, we had to ask: What is carbon neutral really, and how could achieving it help us mitigate climate change?

Illustration of an absolute zero environment under a magnifying glass

Absolute Zero/ Zero Emissions Explained: All You Need to Know

Absolute zero/ zero emissions is one of many climate change terms used in reference to our growing climate crisis. Although it is often used in conjunction with terms such as net zero and climate neutral, absolute zero is achieved by a different mechanism. So, we had to ask: What is absolute zero/ zero emissions really, and how could achieving it help us mitigate climate change?

Illustration of our Impactful Ninja logo, which is a ninja holding a green heart and has a light-green outline here
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