Illustration of apples and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Apples: From Farm to Table

Apples are an incredibly popular fruit, with over 4.6 million tons being produced every year in the US alone. They are common in many different baked goods, such as pies and tarts, as well as salads and even roasts. In terms of nutrients, they pack a strong punch of protein and fiber, making them a perfect breakfast or snack. But apple production can also have some seriously detrimental impacts on the environment. So, we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of apples?

Illustration of cantaloupes and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Cantaloupes: From Farm to Table

Cantaloupe is a popular fruit in the US, with over a billion pounds of it produced each year. They’re also a source of many major nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. However, many aspects of cantaloupe production can have a severe negative impact on the environment. So, we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of cantaloupes?

Illustration of peaches and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Peaches: From Farm to Table

Around 625.7 thousand tons of peaches are produced in the US every year. Whether you enjoy some juicy peaches during August (National Peach Month!) or appreciate them as an excellent source of vitamins A and C, they’re a classic fruit. But peaches can also cause some serious damage to the environment. So, we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of peaches?

Illustration of blueberries and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Blueberries: From Farm to Table

Blueberries are a popular American fruit, with almost 700 million lbs of them produced every year. They are an amazing addition to baked goods and pack a strong nutritional punch with lots of antioxidants and vitamin K. However, blueberries also use a lot of resources during their production which can do a lot of harm to the environment. So, we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of blueberries?

Illustration of pears and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Pears: From Farm to Table

In an average year, over 25,000 tons of pears are consumed globally, making them an immensely popular fruit. They can be used in anything from elegant French pastries (Tarte Bourdaloue, anyone?) to delicious juices. But there are also aspects of the pear production process that might be harmful to the environment. So, we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of pears?

Illustration of blackberries and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Blackberries: From Farm to Table

Blackberry picking is a favorite pastime of many Americans. The blackberry industry itself is worth over $38 million, with 51.3 million lbs produced every year. Hailed as a “superfood”, blackberries are teeming with many essential nutrients, not to mention their delicious tangy flavor. However, blackberries can also have a significantly negative impact on the environment, due to aspects of their manufacturing. So, we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of blackberries?

Illustration of raspberries and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Raspberries: From Farm to Table

Raspberries come in over 200 varieties, making them a diverse and popular fruit. Moreover, raspberry production is ever-growing. For example, almost a million tons of the fruit were grown in 2021, which is an increase of 34% since 2011. But the materials and resources required to create and distribute raspberries can also have a serious impact on the environment. So, we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of raspberries?

Illustration of cabbage with their carbon footprint

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Cabbage? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Cabbage was once considered a luxury vegetable. It was served as an Ancient Roman preventative measure for hangovers and as a sailor’s method for fending off scurvy. With over 400 varieties, this brassica is popular in dishes all over the world: from fermented Korean kimchi and stuffed Polish golabki to English bubble and squeak. However, much less is shared about the environmental impact, and especially the carbon emissions of cabbage. So, we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of cabbage?

Illustration of plums and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Plums: From Farm to Table

With over 200 varieties cultivated in the US, the plum is one of the most popular and diverse native North American fruits. They are also an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, with relatively few calories per unit! However, plums can also have a significant negative impact on the environment through their cultivation practices. So, we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of plums?

Illustration of lemons and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Lemons: From Farm to Table

Lemons are a fantastic and diverse fruit, with over 40 different species existing globally. They have many health benefits, as an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber. They’re also very useful from a culinary perspective, being staples in drinks, baked goods, and even general-purpose cooking. But lemon production can also significantly harm the environment with many aspects of their cultivation. So, we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of lemons?

Illustration of grapefruits and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Grapefruits: From Farm to Table

Grapefruits are the cousin of the citrus family, known for their semi-sweet, bitter taste. They are a breakfast staple, with lots of fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A to help you start your day. Grapefruits are incredibly popular, with the grapefruit industry valued at $8 billion in 2018 and projected to grow to over $11 billion by 2027. But grapefruits can also have a significant impact on the environment. So we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of grapefruits?

Illustration of cauliflower with its carbon footprint

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Cauliflower? A Life-Cycle Analysis

The humble cauliflower has had a boom in popularity over the last few years. Thanks to gluten-free cauliflower pizza bases, and vegan cauliflower steaks, this vegetable is a staple ingredient in many popular recipes. Despite its current trendiness, cauliflower actually has been around for thousands of years, and was even mentioned in a book by Pliny in the 1st Century. However, much less is shared about the environmental impact, and especially the carbon emissions of cauliflower. So we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of cauliflower?

Illustration of clementines and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Clementines: From Farm to Table

Clementines have been popular for centuries. They contain just 35 calories and are full of vitamin C and antioxidants. Sometimes known as mandarin oranges, clementines are native to South and Southeast Asia, but are now grown all over the world. However, clementines also have several aspects to their production that can be very harmful to the environment. So we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of clementines?

Illustration of dates and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Dates: From Farm to Table

Dates are a sweet, often dried delicacy that’s popular in Middle Eastern desserts. They also have an ever-increasing global market, reaching over a million tons in volume in 2021. In terms of health benefits, dates pack a good amount of protein, potassium, and fiber. However, there are many components to the date production process that can have a very negative impact on the environment. So we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of dates?

Illustration of papayas and their environmental impact

The Environmental Impact of Papayas: From Farm to Table

Papayas are a soft, sweet fruit native to Mexico. Today, they are grown everywhere from Florida to Hawaii. Papayas are also highly versatile. For example, they are commonly used in salads, desserts, and ice creams. But the process of growing and distributing papayas can actually have a substantial impact on the environment. So we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of papayas?

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