You recognize the power of collective attention and action. By participating in or promoting awareness events, you contribute to a larger conversation and drive meaningful change.

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You know that we need to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. And you are also prepared to take action to limit global temperature rise.

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You aim to minimize your environmental footprint. Because you know that we need to protect our planet for future generations.

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You respect your life and that of all other living beings. And you have a strong moral compass that guides your daily decisions and actions.

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You deeply care about particular causes and it is important for you to contribute to these. Besides, you feel good doing so.

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You recognize that what you eat has a big impact on how ethical & sustainable you life. And you choose foods that are healthful to your environment and your body.

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You oppose the status quo of consumerism and our throw-away society. Instead, you prioritize to eliminate waste and keep materials in use.

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You understand the influence of language in shaping thoughts and actions. With every word chosen, you aim to inspire, motivate, and advocate for a better world.

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Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.

Robert Boyce; historian

Attempted illustration of best energy-efficiency carbon offsets

14 Best Energy-Efficiency Carbon Offsets (Complete 2024 List)

Experts have stated that the concept of energy efficiency, upgrading to systems that use less energy than traditional systems to perform the same task, could prove critical to mitigating climate change and keeping global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius. So, we had to ask: what are the best energy-efficiency carbon offsets?

Attempted illustration of a pros and cons list for energy-efficiency carbon offsets

Energy-Efficiency Carbon Offsets: All 7 Pros and 3 Cons Explained

Energy-efficiency measures could prove critical in the fight against climate change because they use less energy to perform tasks. And since we currently generate most of our energy via fossil fuel combustion, the less energy we use, the fewer carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions enter our atmosphere. So, we had to ask: What are the pros and cons of energy-efficiency carbon offsets?

Attempted illustration of figs with their carbon footprint

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Figs? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Figs are an unusual fruit that is popular in Italian cuisine. They are also becoming increasingly popular in the US, with the fresh fig market valued at around $1.5 billion. But as profitable and delicious as they are, figs can also negatively impact the climate. Factors from how they’re grown to how they’re distributed can all accrue carbon emissions. So we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of figs?

Attempted illustration of fitness programs

9 Best Charities That Promote Fitness Programs (Complete 2024 List)

Being physically active improves a person’s mental health and reduces the risk of diseases, such as certain types of cancer. Yet only 19.3% of the US adult population engages in regular exercise. As a result, many non-profit organizations are working to raise awareness about the importance of fitness and help more people become physically fit. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that promote fitness programs?

Attempted illustration of papayas with their carbon footprint

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Papayas? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Papayas are a soft, sweet fruit native to Mexico. Today, they are grown everywhere from Florida to Hawaii. Papayas are also highly versatile. For example, they are commonly used in salads, desserts, and ice creams. But papayas can also have a significant impact on the earth. The processes used in their growth, transportation, and disposal can rack up some serious emissions. So, we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of papayas?

Attempted illustration of apricots with their carbon footprint

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Apricots? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Apricots are a booming American industry, with more than 40,000 tons produced in each year. They also happen to be a delicious treat, popular in jams or as a dried fruit. But, there are also certain components of the apricot production process that can have significant carbon emissions. So, we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of apricots?

Illustration of a denim fabric

How Sustainable Are Denim Fabrics? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Your wardrobe likely contains more than just one but several clothing items made with denim fabric. It is the material of the ubiquitous jeans and much more. Yet the cotton fibers that make up the majority of denim fabrics are notorious for polluting production, exploitation, and even modern-day slavery. So, we had to ask: How sustainable are denim fabrics?

Illustration of two giraffes

9 Best Charities for Protecting Giraffes (Complete 2024 List)

Giraffes were once a common sight across the African Savanna. Yet, today there are just 97,000 individuals left in the wild, a decrease of 40% since the 1980s. Nicknamed the silent extinction, the disappearance of these gentle giants had gone largely unnoticed until recently. Fortunately, many charities are now working hard to protect the remaining populations of giraffes and ensure their survival for future generations. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for protecting giraffes?

Illustration of a velvet fabric

How Sustainable Are Velvet Fabrics? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Velvet is a type of fabric traditionally woven with silk and gradually modernized with more recently invented fibers. Since velvet can be made from any kind of yarn, its environmental impacts are diverse and inconsistent. So, we had to sit down and untangle the question: How sustainable are velvet fabrics? 

Attempted illustration of grapefruits with their carbon footprint

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Grapefruits? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Grapefruits are the cousin of the citrus family, known for their semi-sweet, bitter taste. They are a breakfast staple, with lots of fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A to help you start the day. Grapefruits are incredibly popular, with the grapefruit industry valued at $8 billion in 2018 and projected to grow to over $11 billion by 2027. But grapefruits can also have a significant impact on the environment. So, we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of grapefruits?

Attempted illustration of buildings and progress as a symbol for developing countries

9 Best Charities Impacting Developing Countries (Complete 2024 List)

There are 152 developing countries in the world, comprising 85% of the world’s population. Many developing nations grapple with inadequate infrastructure, unprecedented health and economic crises, and low productive capacity. As a result, many charities are working hard to eradicate poverty, improve health care, and strengthen the economies of developing countries. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for developing countries?

Attempted illustration of kiwis with their carbon footprint

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Kiwis? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Kiwis are a delicious fruit with a strong nutritional content. In fact, they have more potassium than bananas and more vitamin C than oranges! Kiwi production is a booming industry, with about 5 million metric tons produced each year. In popular culture, they are most associated with the nation of New Zealand and their birds of the same name. But kiwis also have a significant carbon impact. So we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of kiwis?

Attempted illustration of limes with their carbon footprint

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Limes? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Originating in Southeast Asia, limes have been a culinary staple for centuries. Today, they remain popular with over 23.5 million tons produced annually. In America, they are particularly famous as the prominent ingredient in the world-renowned key lime pie. But limes can also have an impact on the planet. Many resources that go into lime production can emit a lot of carbon. So we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of limes?

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