You recognize the power of collective attention and action. By participating in or promoting awareness events, you contribute to a larger conversation and drive meaningful change.

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You know that we need to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. And you are also prepared to take action to limit global temperature rise.

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You aim to minimize your environmental footprint. Because you know that we need to protect our planet for future generations.

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You respect your life and that of all other living beings. And you have a strong moral compass that guides your daily decisions and actions.

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You deeply care about particular causes and it is important for you to contribute to these. Besides, you feel good doing so.

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You recognize that what you eat has a big impact on how ethical & sustainable you life. And you choose foods that are healthful to your environment and your body.

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You oppose the status quo of consumerism and our throw-away society. Instead, you prioritize to eliminate waste and keep materials in use.

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You understand the influence of language in shaping thoughts and actions. With every word chosen, you aim to inspire, motivate, and advocate for a better world.

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Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.

Robert Boyce; historian

Illustration of Wild Animals

12 Best Charities That Protect Wild Animals (Complete 2024 List)

Wildlife habitat across the globe is disappearing at a rate of 5,760 acres every day. As a result, just 4% of the mammals living in the world are wild animals. And ocean wildlife is faring no better, with just 4% of our oceans being protected and millions of marine animals dying every year from plastic pollution. Fortunately, charities around the world are working tirelessly to save wild animals from the threat of extinction. So, we had to ask: What are the best charities that protect wild animals? 

Illustration of an ocean clean up

9 Best Charities That Help Clean Up Our Oceans (Complete 2024 List)

There are around 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in our oceans, with 100 million marine animals dying from plastic pollution every year. 80% of global marine pollution comes from untreated sewage, agriculture runoff, and discarded pesticides, which has caused 50 marine dead zones around the world. Fortunately, charities are fighting to save the oceans that sustain all life on Earth. So, we had to ask: What are the best charities that help clean up our oceans?

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