You recognize the power of collective attention and action. By participating in or promoting awareness events, you contribute to a larger conversation and drive meaningful change.

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You know that we need to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. And you are also prepared to take action to limit global temperature rise.

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You aim to minimize your environmental footprint. Because you know that we need to protect our planet for future generations.

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You respect your life and that of all other living beings. And you have a strong moral compass that guides your daily decisions and actions.

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You deeply care about particular causes and it is important for you to contribute to these. Besides, you feel good doing so.

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You recognize that what you eat has a big impact on how ethical & sustainable you life. And you choose foods that are healthful to your environment and your body.

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You oppose the status quo of consumerism and our throw-away society. Instead, you prioritize to eliminate waste and keep materials in use.

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You understand the influence of language in shaping thoughts and actions. With every word chosen, you aim to inspire, motivate, and advocate for a better world.

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Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.

Robert Boyce; historian

Illustration of the environmental impact of onions

The Environmental Impact of Onions: From Farm to Table

As the third largest fresh vegetable industry in the United States, onions are a staple ingredient in many households. In fact, onion consumption has risen by an enormous 79% over the last thirty years, and 93% of restaurants in America feature this root vegetable on their menus. However, much less is shared about the effects of onion production and wastage on our planet. So we had to ask: What is the environmental impact of onions?

Illustration of latex mattresses

Are Latex Mattresses Eco-Friendly & Sustainable? A Life-Cycle Analysis

Humans have long used natural latex for various purposes, from car tires to pain relief medicines. Now, it’s being used in mattresses. Unfortunately, greenwashing makes it harder for you and other consumers to figure out whether latex is the answer to achieving an eco-friendly and sustainable mattress. So, we had to ask: How sustainable are latex mattresses?

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