10 Worst Sports for the Environment (Complete 2024 List)

Sports were inevitable human creations that not only feed our competitive spirit but are also greatly advantageous to both physical and mental health. Some sports like running, hiking, and swimming put man and the environment together in harmony. However, sports that rely on engines or on artificially shaping a location into a specific sport territory are not harmonious with the environment, and they have some rather adverse effects. So we had to ask: What are the worst sports for the environment?

21 Best Eco-Friendly Journals: The Complete List

Everything we buy has an environmental impact, for better or for worse. These days, consumers are waking up to the power of their choices, and the products you buy determine demand, and demand directs industry, so it is important to choose wisely. If you’re looking for a new, eco-friendly journal, you’ve come to the right place.

The Worst Pesticides for the Environment (Complete 2024 List)

All chemical pesticides are harmful to you and the environment on some level. Of course, some are worse than others, but none are completely safe. The etymology of “-cide” roots back to Latin, essentially meaning “to kill,” and while herbicides, insecticides, and indeed all pesticides are designed to kill targeted pests and problems, unfortunately, it is much, much more than those specific targets are affected by their ingredients.

Are Sponges Eco-Friendly? Well, It Depends…

Not all sponges are created equal. There are several options available these days, some of which are not eco-friendly at all. And unfortunately, it’s the non-eco-friendly options that are more readily available at most retailers. However, you’ll see that you can find more good options out there than bad options. You just have to know what to look for.

Are Candles Bad for the Environment? Mostly…

With climate change on all of our brains, we should all be stepping up to find out how we can minimize our environmental impact. In many cases, this involves cutting back on some luxuries that we didn’t know were causing ecological harm. Are candles something we should be quitting for the sake of the environment?

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