Grace Smoot

Grace loves to research and write about all things related to climate action and sustainability. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Biology and works as a Natural Resource Specialist. Outside of work, she loves to work out, play soccer, and take her dog for long walks.

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Illustration of biomass energy plants

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Biodiesel? A Life-Cycle Assessment

Every year the transportation industry emits a significant amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air. Although gasoline and diesel fuel are still the two most widely used fuel sources, biodiesel has emerged as an alternative fuel source that promises lower levels of pollutants and climate change-fighting properties. So, we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of biodiesel?

Illustration of an oil energy plant

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Gasoline? Here Are the Facts

Gasoline is the most common fuel source used to power over 1 billion passenger cars globally. At the same time, the transportation industry is responsible for emitting significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. So we had to ask: What is the carbon footprint of gasoline?

Illustration of green and sustainable energy

Green Energy vs Sustainable Energy: What’s the Difference?

Recognizing the differences between green and sustainable energy is key to making informed decisions about our energy usage. This can be difficult though because the two terms are commonly used synonymously. But there are indeed situations where the two are not mutually exclusive. So we had to ask: What’s the difference between green and sustainable energy?

Illustration of clean and green energies

Sustainable Energy vs Alternative Energy: What’s the Difference?

When discussing fossil fuel replacement energies, “sustainable” and “alternative” are commonly used synonymously. But there are situations where the two are not mutually exclusive. And recognizing these differences is key to making informed decisions about energy sources. So we had to ask: What’s the difference between sustainable and alternative energy?

Illustration of green and renewable energies

Renewable Energy vs Sustainable Energy: What’s the Difference?

Despite sometimes being used interchangeably, “renewable” and “sustainable” have different definitions which are important to understand when discussing our current climate crisis. Upon closer examination, these differences have varying implications on our environment. So we had to ask: What’s the difference between renewable and sustainable energy?

Illustration of clean and alternative energies

Clean Energy vs Sustainable Energy: What’s the Difference?

“Clean” and “Sustainable” are terms sometimes used interchangeably to refer to fossil fuel substitutes. When examining the two closer, some differences emerge. And these differences have varying implications on our environment. So we had to ask: What’s the difference between clean and sustainable energy?

Illustration of our Impactful Ninja logo, which is a ninja holding a green heart and has a light-green outline here
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