You recognize the power of collective attention and action. By participating in or promoting awareness events, you contribute to a larger conversation and drive meaningful change.

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You know that we need to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. And you are also prepared to take action to limit global temperature rise.

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You aim to minimize your environmental footprint. Because you know that we need to protect our planet for future generations.

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You respect your life and that of all other living beings. And you have a strong moral compass that guides your daily decisions and actions.

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You deeply care about particular causes and it is important for you to contribute to these. Besides, you feel good doing so.

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You recognize that what you eat has a big impact on how ethical & sustainable you life. And you choose foods that are healthful to your environment and your body.

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You oppose the status quo of consumerism and our throw-away society. Instead, you prioritize to eliminate waste and keep materials in use.

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You understand the influence of language in shaping thoughts and actions. With every word chosen, you aim to inspire, motivate, and advocate for a better world.

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Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.

Robert Boyce; historian

Illustration of a gas fracking plant

Fracking and Fracked Gas Energy Explained: All You Need to Know

Fracking has been around since the 1950s and today is an important method used in the natural gas industry. Fracked gas is often referred to as a cleaner-burning fossil fuel than coal and oil. So, we had to ask: What is fracking and fracked gas really, and how does it contribute to climate change?

Illustration of a sapele tree and wood

How Sustainable Is Sapele Wood? Here Are the Facts

Sapele is a durable hardwood from Africa – a highly-prized alternative to genuine mahogany. It is stronger and harder than mahogany and can be a long-lasting material for furniture, luxury flooring, and musical instruments. However, the population of sapele trees has been decreasing fast due to the timber’s popularity. So, we had to ask: How sustainable is it to buy products made of sapele wood?

Attempted illustration of human trafficking victims

9 Best Charities That Fight to End Human Trafficking (Complete 2024 List)

Human trafficking, or modern-day slavery, is one of the most widespread crimes in the world, counting 40,3 million victims and an illegal industry worth $150 billion in profit. Fortunately, many charities worldwide are fighting to prevent and stop the exploitations while rescuing and alleviating the victims. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that fight to end human trafficking?

Illustration of a biogas power plant

Biogas Energy Explained: All You Need to Know

Biogas is a combustible gas that some say is more sustainable and has more greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction benefits than solid biomass, from which it is derived. So, we had to ask: What is biogas energy really, and how does it mitigate climate change?

Attempted illustration of healthy looking children

9 Best Charities for Children’s Health (Complete 2024 List)

Health in early childhood can have lifelong implications. Children’s healthcare begins before they are born, with maternal health laying the foundation for early development. Yet, many children face barriers to adequate healthcare such as poverty, disease, and improper nutrition. Organizations around the world are working to help children overcome these barriers and access quality healthcare. So, we had to ask: what are the best charities for children’s health?

Attempted illustration of land conservation

9 Best Charities for Land Conservation (Complete 2024 List)

Every second of every day, one football field of land is cleared to make way for agricultural, commercial, or industrial development. This destruction threatens the planet’s dwindling biodiversity and fuels climate change. Thankfully, charities worldwide are working relentlessly to combat these catastrophic losses. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for land conservation?

Illustration of a natural gas power plant

Natural Gas Energy Explained: All You Need to Know

Natural gas has grown more in the past decade than any other fossil fuel and accounts for approximately 25% of global electricity generation today. It is often referred to as a cleaner-burning fossil fuel than coal and oil. So, we had to ask: What is natural gas really, and how does it contribute to climate change?

Illustration of flooring woods

12 Most Sustainable Woods for Flooring: A Life-Cycle Analysis

Wood is generally a sustainable material, largely thanks to carbon uptake by timber trees. Besides, wood is renewable, though renewing rates vary among plant species. The environmental impacts of using wood also depend on transportation and forest management. So we have to ask: Which woods are the most sustainable for indoor floors?

Illustration of an oil energy plant

Oil Energy Explained: All You Need to Know

Oil is the transportation industry’s primary source of energy, and it is one of the biggest industries in the world. But it is also a significant source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which degrades our environment. So, we had to ask: What is oil energy really, and how does it contribute to climate change?

Illustration of two senior citizens

9 Best Charities That Support Senior Citizens (Complete 2024 List)

Seniors aged 65 and older made up about 16% of the US population. A number that is projected to increase to an estimated 21.6% by 2040. The senior population presents with unique challenges and problems as they age, including chronic health conditions, a loss of independence, and discrimination. Charities around the world are working tirelessly to support our older people. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that support senior citizens?

Illustration of coal energy

Coal Energy Explained: All You Need to Know

Coal has been and still is our largest source of electricity generation. But it is also our largest single source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which wreaks havoc on our environment. So, we had to ask: What is coal energy really, and how does it contribute to climate change?

Attempted illustration of a person with social anxiety

9 Best Charities That Help Overcome Social Anxiety (Complete 2024 List)

Social anxiety is the most common type of anxiety and the third most common mental health disorder. In the US, social anxiety affects 7.1% of adults and 9.1% of teenagers. On average, social anxiety starts between early and late adolescence, putting the youth at higher risk.  Fortunately, there are many charities working to support vulnerable social anxiety sufferers and raise awareness of the illness. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that help overcome social anxiety?

Attempted illustration of a woman and a man with mental health issues

9 Best Charities That Advance Mental Health (Complete 2024 List)

1 in 5 adults and 1 in 6 youth experience mental illness each year. Yet, approximately 50% of individuals with mental health issues do not seek treatment due to stigma, lack of awareness, and lack of access. Organizations around the world are working to remove barriers to mental health treatment. So, we had to ask: what are the best charities for mental health?

Illustration of nuclear power

Nuclear Power Explained: All You Need to Know

Nuclear power has faced criticism for its use of radioactive materials to generate electricity. But the process produces little to no carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions or other greenhouse gasses (GHGs). So, we had to ask: What is nuclear power really, and how could it help us mitigate climate change?

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