You recognize the power of collective attention and action. By participating in or promoting awareness events, you contribute to a larger conversation and drive meaningful change.

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You know that we need to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. And you are also prepared to take action to limit global temperature rise.

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You aim to minimize your environmental footprint. Because you know that we need to protect our planet for future generations.

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You respect your life and that of all other living beings. And you have a strong moral compass that guides your daily decisions and actions.

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You deeply care about particular causes and it is important for you to contribute to these. Besides, you feel good doing so.

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You recognize that what you eat has a big impact on how ethical & sustainable you life. And you choose foods that are healthful to your environment and your body.

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You oppose the status quo of consumerism and our throw-away society. Instead, you prioritize to eliminate waste and keep materials in use.

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You understand the influence of language in shaping thoughts and actions. With every word chosen, you aim to inspire, motivate, and advocate for a better world.

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Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.

Robert Boyce; historian

Attempted illustration of a victim of crime

9 Best Charities That Fight for Victims of Crime (Complete 2024 List)

Criminal activities often leave victims feeling traumatized and vulnerable. Despite the existence of criminal justice systems worldwide, victims of crime continue to struggle with getting justice and restoration. As a result, charities are now working with victims of crime to help them rebuild their lives. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that fight for victims of crime?

Attempted illustration of renewable energy credits

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) Explained: All You Need to Know

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) aim to reduce global carbon emissions by bolstering the renewable energy market. Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could lead to fewer carbon emissions and a healthier planet for future generations. So, we had to ask: What are RECs really, and could they help us mitigate climate change?

Attempted illustration of carbon taxes

Carbon Taxes Explained: All You Need to Know

Carbon taxes are one way to tackle the issue of global climate change and help us maintain a sustainable planet for future generations. Because they place a cost on carbon emissions, they can help improve environmental health. So, we had to ask: What are carbon taxes really, and could they help us mitigate climate change?

Illustration of a public school

9 Best Charities That Support Public Schools (Complete 2024 List)

Public schools in the US and across the world are often underfunded, leading to education inequalities, especially within low-income communities. Fortunately, there are numerous charities around the world dedicated to offsetting this imbalance. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that support public schools?

Illustration of wooden outdoor furniture

7 Most Sustainable Woods for Outdoor Furniture: A Life-Cycle Analysis

Woods generally are a sustainable material thanks to their carbon sequestration. However, their environmental impacts vary based on the specific trees and the biodiversity of their native forests, traveling distance and method of transportation as well as how sustainably they are grown and logged. So we have to ask: Which woods are the most sustainable for outdoor furniture?

Attempted illustration of carbon credits

Carbon Credits Explained: All You Need to Know

One tool to reduce global carbon emissions and maintain a sustainable planet for future generations is a form of carbon pricing called carbon credits. So, we had to ask: What are carbon credits really, and could they help us mitigate climate change?

Attempted illustration of diabetes research

9 Best Charities for Diabetes Research (Complete 2024 List)

In the US, over 37.3 million people suffer from diabetes. Diabetics are at higher risk for life-threatening diseases and disabilities. And excess medical costs associated with diabetes reached $327 billion and are projected to continue escalating. Thankfully, several charities are working diligently to find a cure, improve the lives of, and financially support those living with diabetes. So we had to ask: What are the best charities for diabetes research?

Illustration of decking wood

6 Most Sustainable Woods for Decking: A Life-Cycle Analysis

Woods generally are a sustainable material thanks to their carbon sequestration. However, their environmental impacts vary based on the specific trees, their biodiversity, and their distance and method of transportation. Besides, some sought-after decking wood comes from tropical rainforests where illegal logging has devastating consequences on the earth’s biodiversity. So we have to ask: Which woods are the most sustainable for decking?

Attempted illustration of carbon insets

Carbon Insetting Explained: All You Need to Know

You’ve probably heard of carbon offsets as a way to reduce carbon emissions, but did you know that their counterpart, carbon insets, can play an equally important role in combating the global climate crisis. So we had to ask: What are carbon insets really, and could they help us mitigate climate change?

Attempted illustration of a low-income family

9 Best Charities That Support Low-Income Families (Complete 2024 List)

Worldwide, 85% of people live on less than $35 per day. These low-income families live shorter lives, have decreased access to education, and are at a higher risk of mental health problems. Luckily, several charities are working to promote equal access to housing, food, and healthcare. So we had to ask: which are the best charities that support low-income families?

Illustration of the Statue of Liberty

9 Best Charities That Fight for Liberty (Complete 2024 List)

Liberty is a fundamental human right that everyone should enjoy without unlawful restrictions. However, many people are denied this freedom globally. As of 2021, around 27 million people live in slavery. In response to this, charitable organizations have sprung up to relieve the plight of oppressed people. So we had to ask: What are the best charities that fight for liberty?

Attempted illustration of carbon offsets

Carbon Offsets Explained: All You Need to Know

The global climate crisis threatens our planet’s environmental, economic, and social health. Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and our carbon footprint is necessary to maintain a sustainable planet for future generations. And one tool to help achieve this could be carbon offsets. So we had to ask: What are carbon offsets really and could they help us mitigate climate change?

Attempted illustration of carbon emissions trading and carbon taxes

Carbon Emissions Trading vs Carbon Taxes: What’s the Difference?

Carbon emissions trading systems and carbon taxes are two highly debated methods of carbon emission reduction that can help mitigate climate change and lead to a sustainable planet for future generations. But since their methodology is different, it is important to understand how each of them works. So, we had to ask: What’s the difference between carbon emissions trading and carbon taxes?

Attempted illustration of carbon capture and carbon sequestration

Carbon Capture vs Carbon Sequestration: What’s the Difference?

Reducing the amount of carbon we emit into our atmosphere is key to mitigating climate change and creating a sustainable planet for future generations. Carbon capture and carbon sequestration are two methods to achieve this, but their methodology is slightly different. So, we had to ask: What’s the difference between carbon capture and carbon sequestration?

Attempted illustration of the native Uyghur region

9 Best Charities to Help Uyghurs (Complete 2024 List)

Many ethnic Uyghurs have been forced to flee their homes to avoid persecution and violence. Many thousands have sought refuge in other countries, such as Turkey. And with so many organizations providing support to Uyghurs, we had to ask: What are the best charities to help Uyghurs?

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